03 March

I'm so tired

Im tired of you

Im tired of being the nice one

Im tired of being the perfect daughter

Im tired of being the perfect sister

Im tired of being the perfect friend

Im tired of always listening, who is listening to me??

Im tired of hearing your mum is bad

Im tired of hearing im leaving your dad

How did y'all get together when i wasn't even born?

Im tired of always saying yes

Im tired of you not asking if im ok, is it because Im smiling..

Yeah Im tired of that too....smiling that is,

It makes you think im happy? Well Im not

Im tired of saying nothing just to make you happy

Im tired of keeping the peace

Im tired of trying

Im tired! tired! tired!

I just wanna be me...

Is that too much to ask??

I need to sleep now...Im so tired!


misspumping said...

eeeeeya i feel like that sometimes always giving never getting . this year like i have said is my year . Its all about me this year and the next and the one after that and the one after that too ......

Afrobabe said...

Make out some you time...pamper urself silly till u smile cos u know u r u...

Anonymous said...

Awwwww... sorry my darling.. heres a hug

. said...

deep deep. feeling the steez.

uNWrItten* said...

aww i really liked this....

femme fatale said...

@misspumping...thats the only way...do you, cos if u dont look out for urself who will??

@afrobabe...i think i kinda overdid the pampering!! i feel loads better now thxxx

@overwhelmed...thx sweets

@jack slater...thx

@unwritten...glad u liked it, now im out of my funk i can appreciate!

femme fatale said...
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ablackjamesbond said...

I feel u...